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Ancient Tennessee, USA
In the state of Tennessee (central eastern United States) and surrounding areas there are many archaeological sites and ancient history that is not well known or has been hidden from the public because it does not fit into “known written history”. A large grave yard with 100,000 pigmy graves buried sitting or standing position was found in central Tennessee in the 19th century and archeology excavation in east Tennessee around 1980 found more pigmy skeletons with unusual artifacts but both these discoveries are ignored by the scientific community because this would go against the standard excepted history that there were NO pigmies in north America in the past. There are geoglyphs, petroglyphs, cave paintings and very ancient ruins of structures that date back thousands of years that have been ignored by main stream archaeologist. John Haywood in his book that was published in 1823 “Natural and Aboriginal History of Tennessee”, he describes many unusual ancient sites, fossils, artifacts and skeletons (including red-haired giants) that were found in the late 1700’s and early 1800's by the first settlers that came into the area. There is an old saying: “The first place you should look is in your own back yard” and I live in east Tennessee so this will be my area that I can easily explore. Using John Haywood’s book as a starting guide, I will be hunting for and documenting the ancient sites described in his book. This webpage contains articles, photos and information about ancient Tennessee and the surrounding areas

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Books Published by Ron Ruble

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