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Puma Punku Tiahuanaco, Bolivia
Puma Punku ruins, Tiahuanaco, Bolivia

Did shock waves from a meteor destroy ancient megalithic stone structures?

The recent event of the 10,000 ton meteor that fell in the city of Chelyabinsk Russia on 15 February 2013 clearly illustrates that the shock waves from a meteor can do massive damage. A very large iron-nickel meteor broke apart and struck the earth in Campo del Cielo Argentina around 4,500 years ago. Could the shock wave from this meteor (or unknown others) traveling through the atmosphere over Peru and Bolivia destroyed some of the ancient megalithic stone structures?
Meteor Shock Wave Damage….. - READ MORE -

Kailasa Temple, Ellora, India
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Kailasa Temple in Ellora India Kailasa Temple world's largest monolithic sculpture
Kailasa Temple in Ellora India Kailasa Temple carved from one stone

The Kailasa Temple, located in Ellora, India, is the world's largest monolithic sculpture. The whole temple is carved from one solid rock and virtually every surface is lavishly embellished with symbols and figures. Main stream archaeologist tell us that this was carved out of solid rock using primitive hand tools 1400 years ago but probably it carved out of stone by an ancient unknown civilization many thousands of years ago, then discovered and “reused” 1400 years ago.

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