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Elongated skull stolen from Ica Regional Museum in Paracas, Peru
This skull was stolen from Ica Regional Museum in Paracas, Peru
(Photo by Brien Foerster - Cuzco, Cusco, Peru)

Many of the ancient elongated skulls had brain capacities up to one-third larger than normal humans. Other physical differences, such as the ear location, heavy jaw, large teeth and especially the lack of any sagittal suture atop the skull, add to the strangeness of these specimens, some of whom were also were very tall. Other anatomical anomalies include thicker spines and different numbers of ribs. Their physical differences are quite significant, and may have come from a separate line of human development. These elongated skulls are found around the world and if there is a genetic match between widely separated elongated skull specimens, this would prove that transoceanic travel was going on at a time when humans were thought to be simple hunter-gatherers. Such a discovery would rewrite history and trigger a re-examination of long-held tenets of archaeology. (Skull pictured was stolen from Ica Regional Museum in Paracas, Peru)

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